The eight limbs of yoga are the basics and core of yoga practice.
The eight limbs was designed by the great sage Patanjali. He shared an
eight-limbed path thousands of years ago that forms the basic framework of a
yoga practice. The aim of the practice is that after a while, none of the
elements will be worth more than another in terms of hierarchy.
The Eight Limbs are:
- Yama – Universal Morality (there are 5 yamas; non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, continence and non-hoarding)
- Asanas – Posture of the body (dissolves tension, builds strength, eliminates toxins and increases circulation)
- Niyama – Personal observations (5 niyamas; cleanliness, contentment, purification, sacred texts study and devotion)
- Pratyahara – Controlling of your senses (touch, taste, see, smell and hear)
- Pranayama – Breathing exercises (stops your breathing from becoming restricted, erratic or choppy in mood swings)
- Dhyana – Meditation and devotion (dissolves separateness and creates peace)
- Dharana – Concentration levels and awareness (creates a calm and still mind)
- Samadhi – Unity (the goal of all yoga, creates a complete state of consciousness)