Thursday, 8 January 2015

Yoga Improves muscle strength & posture

There is more to having strong muscles than looking good. They help against back pain and arthritis, help elderly people against fall and injuries. Through Yoga, you are able to balance strength with flexibility. If you lift weight at the gym, what you get is strength and not flexibility. Yoga is the way to get both combined.

The weight of your head is quite significant. When held up straight over an erect spine, you require less work and energy to coordinate it as you move around. When you tilt it to an angle however, you start to feel strain in your muscles. Doing this for a long time (about 12 hours) wears you out before you know it. Apart from the fatigue you’ll normally have, other problems such as poor posture, neck, back and muscle problems may be noticed. Whenever you slump, the normal inward curve in your neck is flattened in compensation, and this may result in degenerative arthritis of the spine.