The meaning of the word hatha
is willful or forceful. Hatha yoga is that set of physical exercises also known
as asanas or body positions, and series of asanas are meant to support your
skin, bones and muscles. The postures are also fashioned to open up several
paths into the body, most importantly, the spine, so as to allow for the free
flow of energy.
Another translation of Hatha is ha, which means “sun” and tha means “moon.”
Going by the translation, Hatha yoga simply refers to the balance relating
to the male gender (active, hot, sun) and that of the female gender (receptive,
cool, moon). Hatha yoga is a way of establishing balance and causing unity
between opposites. In our physical bodies, we build up a balance between vigor
and flexibility and as well learn how to balance our endeavors and admit defeat
in every pose. Hatha yoga is a great means for self-development. It helps bring
to our notice the way we breathe, which assists us to pause and notice the
infrequent movement of the mind and makes us more active in unfolding each