Yoga Classes
classes at the retreat are a blend of familiar positions (asana), and also more
difficult postures, with changes and varieties given to learner. The breath is
constantly emphasized on, which conveys attention to the mind and body at the
same time. The outcome is that the body gets to be stimulated, the brain gets
to be focused, and there is an increase in awareness. The major aim is
increasing vitality and also promoting a sense of healthiness at the same time.
Hatha Yoga
yoga classes 4-5.30pm daily
gentler, more remedial type of yoga, Hatha Yoga intends to get both sides of
the human body into balance. Interpreted from the Indian Sanskrit
"Ha" means sun and "tha" has moon as it meaning moon this
alludes to the balance of male/female, positive/negative, day/night, Yin and
Yang. Hatha Yoga works through the mastering of body postures (Asana's) and techniques
of breathing (Pranayama,) it encourages dynamic wellbeing and uses the body's
vitality chakras. Constant practice increases the longing to practice and
builds up love within. Yoga gives the professional a device to work with in everyday